This seems to happen with each of the diet phases, at least the first two. Like most people that change up their lifestyle we settle into a routine. Once we are in a routine the goings on of a given day are actually quite boring. While I could sit here and type out each day that I ate eggs (or a shake) for breakfast, had sushi (or a Chipotle Paleo Bowl) for lunch and had a huge salad (or one of other three options) for dinner, I really don’t see the point. I have a food journal for that. Some days may be interesting and worth blogging about. Maybe I’ll try a new recipe. Maybe I’ll have some training event that is especially noteworthy. Other than that though it’s all starting to sound rather repetitive. I’m therefore going to drop back to only blogging on days that really stand out to me and leave the rest to summary reports at the weekly and/or monthly level.