N=1 Intoxication Quantification
I Want My Linux Laptop Now! (A Voluntary Simplicity Exercise)
What's missing most from my Linux Craptop? Gestures
Ancient Craptop Linux Experiment
Six Week Challenge Summary
Goal Week 6 Redux
Six Week Challenge 2016.2
All I can think about is my first free day, and I'm not happy about it
Goal Week 5 Redux
Goal Week 4 Redux
Week 3 Redux
Salt Withdraw or Too Little Sodium?
Goal Week 1 Redux
Nutritarian Black Forest Mushroom Soup Recipe Review
Six Week Challenge Goals
A Six Week Challenge
An 80/10/10 day
Paleo Diet, The Quiet Phase
Paleo Day 35: Parties on Paleo Suck
Paleo Day 34: A Paleo 4th of July!
Paleo Day 33: Made It To The Gym But Then...
Paleo Day 32: Impromptu Intermittent Fasting, Then Gorging
Paleo Day 31: Month 1 Finished, Month 2 Starting
Paleo Day 30: Sushi, Sushi and more Sushi
Paleo Day 29: Long Run In (Finally)...and Dogging it!
Paleo Day 28: A New Shake Recipe And Lots of Restaurant Foods
Paleo Day 27: Definitely Not Wired
Paleo Day 26: Totally Wired!
Paleo Day 25: Listening To My Body
Paleo Day 24: Making good on promise to eat lots of vegetables
Paleo Day 23: Back to some good Paleo Home Meals
Paleo Day 22: Paleo Travel Is Ticking Me Off
Paleo Day 21: Walking, Touring and Getting Some Food History
Paleo Day 20: Keeping it low key
Paleo Day 19: Theme Parks and Paleo Don't Mix Well
Paleo Day 18: Paleo and Travel Means Being Prepared
Paleo Day 17: Salad for breakfast and steak for dinner, that's one way to have a Paleo day.
Paleo Day 16: More Butt Dragging
Paleo Day 15: Shifted Sleep and "Spaghetti" Paleo Style
Paleo Day 14: Back To Clean Eating
Paleo Day 13: Technically In Check But Poor Diet
Paleo Day 12: Eating out with Paleo Friends
Paleo Day 10: Pizza Party (for everyone else)
Paleo Day 9: A little lunch, a lot of snacking
Paleo Day 8: Penance
Paleo Day 7: Feasting and One Little Cheat
Paleo Day 6: All home cooking (finally), plus some experimentation
Paleo Day 5: Road time means fast food paleo time
Paleo Day 4: Rinse and repeat, with a little wine
Paleo Day 3: Decadent snacks foiled!
Paleo Day 2: Easier when eating at home
Paleo Day 1: Travel and paleo are not compatible
So what does "Paleo" mean (to me)?
T Minus 1 Day to Paleo Phase
Paleo start inches closer...
USAF Physical Fitness Test Results, May 2014
Staging For Paleo Start
Paleo Begins June 1st!
Egg Test Week Smooth Sailing
Week 5 Virgin Diet: Dairy Trial Week
Day 22 and 23: I think I'm switching to weekly updates
Week 3 Virgin Diet Summary
Day 21 Virgin Diet: Portobello "bun" failure
Day 20 Virgin Diet: Discovering acorn squash and properly raised filet
Day 19 Virgin Diet: Sushi without soy sauce can be tasty
Day 18 Virgin Diet: Status Quo
Day 17 Virgin Diet: Lots of exercise (and shoveling) to fill the day
Day 16 Virgin Diet: Still under the weather, but not helping much with this diet...
Day 15 Virgin Diet: Feeling under the weather and no comfort food to be had!
Week 2 Virgin Diet Summary
Day-14 Virgin Diet: Rounding out week 2 with a little cheating (very little)
Day-13 Virgin Diet: Easing into the weekend
Day-12 Virgin Diet: Another (almost) all restaurant day
Day 11-Virgin Diet: Getting the hang of restaurants?
Week 1 Virgin Diet Summary
Day 10-Virgin Diet: Still disappointed with some nutrients, but yay for sushi
Day-9 Virgin Diet: Restaurant Week Poses Interesting Challenges
Day 8-Virgin Diet: 50/50 successful cooking trials, exercise fail however
Day-7 Virgin Diet: Rounding out first week hitting 100%
Day 6-Virgin Diet: I will eat my daily calorie burn!
Day 5-Virgin Diet: Sinking teeth into a big juicy steak
Day 4-Virgin Diet: Salads and more salads (followed by ribs!)
Day-3 Virgin Diet: No snacks makes me tired and hungry boy
Day 2-Virgin Diet: Snacks are hard but pasta is harder
Day 1 Elimination Diet, Smooth Sailing
And We Are Off! Day 1 of JJ Virgin Diet Begins
T-1 Day To Elimination Diet, Strict With Touches of Indulgence
T-2 Days to Elimination Diet: Cleaning Out the House!
T-3 days, status quo
T-4 Days To Elimination Diet, Could Have Gone Better...
Methodology: Diet Experiment Phasing (Try #2)
Vegan Week Experiment Summary
Vegan Week Day 6
Vegan Week Day 5
Vegan Week Day 4
Vegan Week Day 3
Vegan Week Day 2
Vegan Week Day 1
Time for another weekly challenge; Vegan Week here we come...
Paleo Week Test Summary
Paleo Week Test Day 6
Paleo Week Test Day 5
Paleo Week Test Day 4
Paleo Week Test Day 3
Paleo Week Test Day 2
Paleo Week Test Day 1
Let Paleo Week Commence!
T-2 Days to Paleo Week
Which diet should I use for one week trial?
Paleo Experiment Filling But Somewhat Challenging
Pescatarian Experiment Day Left Me Hungry :(
Vegetarian Day Experiment, No Sweat!
Vegan Day Experiment Went Great!