I’ve written previously about Dart performance benchmarking (smallest/fastest program stats and DeltaBlue benchmark against JavaScript, Java, and C ). Because of a quirk of fate this week I embarked on studying the performance of all of the current maintained HTTP service libraries available for Dart server side development. This will be followed shortly with how that compares to Go which was the original basis for this study. The code and data can be found in this Gitlab repo .
(More ...)Due to various circumstances I got sidetracked from getting the Kyanite Facebook Archive Browser out the door this month as intended. Part of that was because I found out that my Friendica instance was shutting down at the end of the month. Friendica is one of many projects on “The Fediverse” alternatives to the big-tech owned platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.). While it has many advantages one of the disadvantages is that most of the servers that you would join through are run by one or two people. That means when they decide to pull up stakes you have to figure out what to do with your fediverse digital existence too. That’s where I found myself at the beginning of the month. My answer was to take my new found skills with Dart and Flutter and the Kyanite code base to create an archival and archive viewing system for Friendica. The archiver and browser can be found at this link
For New Year’s Eve I decided on trying to make a couple new things. One of those things was Ina Garten’s Weeknight Bolognese . I found it so delicious that I have since made it twice more. As part of my 2022 goal of trying to make 52 unique new to me recipes I decided to attempt to make a vegan option. I figured if I could make something as tasty then it could be used when I’m trying to eat more plant based and to serve to my vegetarian and vegan friends. Ina suggested simply subtituting the meat for mushrooms to make it vegetarian. I took it several steps further by replacing the meat with marinated tofu and to replace the cream with cashew cream. The other ingredients and main steps for the sauce however are identical. I have to say that it turned out as delicious as the original. I could easily see serving this to all friends, not just vegetarian/vegan friends, rather than the original version and to use it as sauces in things like lasagnas as well.
The movie Julie & Julia has a special place in my heart since it was the first official date that kicked off the long term relationship that evolved into my present day very happy marriage. I love Julia Child. I love food and cooking. I love challenges. So a biopic movie about Julia Child and a modern day woman blogging her experience of cooking through Mastering the Art of French Cooking was right up my alley. With the new Julia Child documentary titled ‘Julia’ now out I promptly watched it and then rewatched Julie & Julia again. Once again watching through it I decided to finally start reading the entire year of posts which the movie is based around which is preserved in archive.org. Once again though I discovered that while all the content is there the links to actually march through the blog are often broken. I finally decided to just bite the bullet and fix that. I wrote some scripts which marched through the timespan of the blog’s experiment, determined what the proper link is for each day that an entry exists, and output it in a nice tabular form. Below you will find the index or table of contents, however you want to see it, of the entire blog from the very first post to her visit to The Smithsonian to see Julia’s kitchen exhibit there. Enjoy
After the “Mulligan Year” of 2021 I was hoping that things in 2021 would get a bit less crazy and thus be able to focus a bit more. In many ways things did get less crazy. Vaccinations became available way earlier than I could have possibly hoped. The mind I had for my optimistic date was fourth quarter of the year. That meant I was able to do stuff like register for a race. It also meant that I made up for lost time in the socialization department, which had some knock on effects with my health statuses.
(More ...)Okay this posting each day a topic seems like a neat thing even if I’m not on WordPress any longer. So will do it as well. Their Day #1 topic is “What advice would you give to your teenage self.