Today is the first day of the N=1 experiment, which is starting off with the JJ Virgin Elimination diet. Elimination diets are basically removing foods that may potentially be causing problems for you from your eating lifestyle. Over time you can “challenge” these foods to see how your body reacts to them. JJ Virgin, a nutritionist with some media history that has been making her way around the podcast universe the past few months, has put together just such a diet that I think creates a relatively simple plan to follow.
(More ...)Yesterday was the last day before the grand diet experiment begins. I made some conscious decisions in terms of practicing for the big shift, but I still granted myself some last minute indulgences while I still had the chance.
(More ...)This has come across my attention a few times this week, and the more I see it the more frustrating this topic becomes. Here is the punchline: a severely obese sedentary person goes on a 2000 calorie a day eating regiment, adds 45 minutes of walking exercise to his daily lifestyle which leads to him losing 37 pounds and improving his cholesterol. That doesn’t sound radical does it? The punchline we see however is, “Man Loses 35 Pounds Eating McDonalds” as some big FU saying McDonald’s food is now healthy for you. Is it? Let’s find out.
(More ...)With only two days left to go I decided to finish up cleaning out the house. I hate wasting food, which means I’m a really good left-overs saver. I know lots of people can’t stand the idea of putting food they made away in the freezer to be thawed out, reheated and eaten later. Sure, it’s not as good as the day you bought it. Consider though that most of the prepared food you buy and reheat from the grocery store went through the exact same process, it just did it on an industrial scale and with god knows what (along with excess salt and sugar) added to it. Since several of the foods in the house were going to be verboten for the better part of a year, I started eating my way through them. I was able to do it in a mostly responsible way.
(More ...)As a big fan of the Howard Stern Show, I’ve always enjoyed the rapport and interactions that the cast have had with Robin Quivers. She can be the voice of reason in some circumstances and a window into the latest experiments she’s doing with hobbies and her health lifestyle. It was my enjoyment of her Vegucating Robin YouTube series and website that made me excited when I heard she was coming out with a book on the same topic. I figured it would be a terrific book to add to the collection with some good recipes. From that perspective, I think we have a winner. It also provides some great insight into her own personal health challenges and the evolution of her diet over time from a standard American diet that was literally killing her to her now vegan diet.
(More ...)For phasing reasons the beginning of the elimination diet phase begins on Sunday, so I still have four more days to start getting acclimated. I suppose I could just start things right away, but I’m trying to ease myself into it. By far the biggest thing to get used to is making these JJ Virgin Health Shakes. This is now the second time I’ve made them, and this time they actually turned out a bit better. First, I got a real blender for Christmas, so the actual process of making the shake was a lot smoother than with the stick blender. On top of that, I now have the correct coconut milk. I still have a bunch of the sweetened vanilla flavored So Delicious coconut milk, but now I have the unsweetened stuff too. Considering how much getting used it took the first time I ate one of these things, I figured with the unsweetened version it would have been worse. In actuality I found this shake to be far more palatable. Maybe my brain is getting used to the pea protein powder faster than I thought it would.
(More ...)December has now come and gone and so has the year 2013. As is typical for most people, including me, the year ended with a lot of excessive indulgences, holiday cheer (aka parties) and enjoying the company of friends and family. It also ended with me completing one of my life objectives, running a full marathon. Instead of a month of eating healthy and maintaining a new exercise regiment post-marathon, I instead fell into a regiment of working too much and eating too much crap food. Thankfully the three months of JJ Virgin’s elimination diet should provide the initial buffer that I was looking for to begin experiments.
(More ...)Beginning the month of January my body measurements took a predictably bad turn. Between excessive eating throughout the month as parties, family gatherings and tasty morsels presented themselves throughout the month I picked up a bit of extra weight and girth. I also didn’t do any exercise after my marathon early in the month. All of that trends poorly. Again, I was hoping to not start any of the diet experiment phases with skewed body chemistry and state, but I think the three months of the elimination diet before the core trials begin will make this not a complete tragedy.
(More ...)What better way to start off a series of diets that discourage the consumption of gluten and grains than by making pasta! It actually wasn’t my intention to do it on this sort of schedule. I had been planning on trying to make pasta for several years now, but in the past year I’ve just been getting more and more stoked about the idea. This led to a nice manual pasta maker and some other utensils showing up on my Amazon wish list. Thankfully I actually got these things for Christmas. The timing could be better of course, but I was determined to actually try my hand at making pasta before these items would be verboten for half a year. The results, in the end anyway, turned out amazing!
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