Paleo Day 34: A Paleo 4th of July! 2014-07-05

With Hurricane Arthur right off the coast our previously oppressively hot and muggy weather has turned almost spring like.  What better way to enjoy the weather than with some running and then watching Fourth of July fireworks with friends.

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Paleo Day 33: Made It To The Gym But Then... 2014-07-04

So much for being on a roll.  One free day turned into two, but will not turn into three.  At least I held myself to a good clean Paleo diet all day.

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Paleo Day 32: Impromptu Intermittent Fasting, Then Gorging 2014-07-03

A Muslim friend of mine pointed out to me that I should try fasting like they are doing right now for Ramadan.  I actually have informally been doing that periodically, but have looked at doing that once I hone down what my personally optimal diet is.  But once I started eating I didn’t want to stop.  At least being on Paleo without any Paleo-labeled (so not really Paleo) junk food around the house, it was highly nutritious eating.

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Paleo Day 31: Month 1 Finished, Month 2 Starting 2014-07-02

With one month of Paleo behind me, I look forward to continuing the success that I have had so far as well as to hopefully get a little more cooking experimentation in.  With some holidays and vacations mixed in that won’t necessarily be easy, but we’ll find out how that goes soon enough.  As it was, today was a relatively ordinary day with some good eating and finally a roll on the exercise front.

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Paleo Day 30: Sushi, Sushi and more Sushi 2014-07-02

With a day of training, but with some necessary errands mixed in, I didn’t plan on doing much more than eating my huge vegetable and nuts snack, eating some salad then coming home and repeating the same routine.  Boy did I call that wrong!

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Paleo Day 29: Long Run In (Finally)...and Dogging it! 2014-07-01

Okay, I’m seriously going to go running today.  I promise!

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Paleo Day 28: A New Shake Recipe And Lots of Restaurant Foods 2014-07-01

I started getting into the real estate search business recently.  I like my house but in the quest to look at the reasonableness of doing an upgrade to the house I ended up looking for a new one.  If you have ever done a house search you know that entails lots of time in a car.  This was no exception.

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Paleo Day 27: Definitely Not Wired 2014-06-29

Regardless of how much energy I felt I had the day before, I knew that not getting anywhere enough sleep the day before was going to hit me eventually, and so it did today.

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Paleo Day 26: Totally Wired! 2014-06-28

When I woke up at 3:45 am and couldn’t get back to sleep, I assumed I was going to be in for a crash half way through the day.  Little did I know I’d still be up at midnight still going strong.

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Paleo Day 25: Listening To My Body 2014-06-27

Wednesday, June 25, 2014–After the last two days of running hot, both with work and exercise, I was supposed to plow into today with still more of the same.  In the end I could feel that wasn’t the right thing to do.  Rather than power through with my plan as if it was etched on stone tablets I decided to dial things back and give my body some restoration time.

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