Week 3 Redux 2015-08-03

The third week of my diet challenge is now behind me.  I added some formalism to how I’m grading myself on each category each day, and therefore the weekly grade.  I’m getting faster and stronger too, but for some reason I’m now being haunted by food dreams.

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Bizarre Food Dreams 2015-07-31

Three weeks into the challenge the diet component is going well, but for some reason the forbidden list items have started creeping into my dreams.

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Goal Week 2 Redux 2015-07-26

The second week of my diet challenge is now behind me.  I’ve really settled into a good tempo on the diet, even managing eating out rather well.  While I’ve made some improvements on the other goals I still have a way to go.

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Salt Withdraw or Too Little Sodium? 2015-07-22

I’m trying to decide if what happened to me the other day is a case of water intoxication or sodium withdraw…

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Goal Week 1 Redux 2015-07-20

The first week of my nutritarian diet challenge is now in the books.  I’ve had some good food experiments, I’ve made some progress on my body composition, and I’ve survived some of the challenges.  I’ve also stumbled a bit, but that’s I guess why I called it a challenge in the first place.  So, how did I do with each of my goals?

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Nutritarian Black Forest Mushroom Soup Recipe Review 2015-07-15

While on the surface eating the nutritarian way sounds like mostly salads, raw veggies, and fruits, there is actually a lot of potential variety in meals.  I’m a huge salad person, but even I would grow tired of that.  Luckily I’m also a big soup/stew person, and the Eat To Live book has several of those recipes.  The one that I decided to try first, since it jumped right out at me was the Black Forest Cream of Mushroom Soup,which can also be found at Furhman’s website here.

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Six Week Challenge Goals 2015-07-12

Like a good New Year’s Resolution, the purpose of the challenge is to set a pre-defined short term objective that I can concentrate on and focus for making longer term changes.

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A Six Week Challenge 2015-07-11

What to do?  What to do?  Either as a mechanism of procrastination, or as a legitimate mechanism of study, I’ve really not been doing well the second quarter of the year.  After tightening up my diet and getting some exercise going in the first quarter, with good results to show, the second quarter was more slacking off.  It culminated in a long vacation on a cruise which meant gobbling up tons of junky (but tasty) food, beer, and wine.  Even though we were walking 6-8 miles a day it wasn’t enough to ward off fat gain.  Tomorrow is my first day legitimately back home to actually try and get squared away in this third quarter.  How will I go about doing that?

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Pollen Down–Time to Run 2015-05-31

I could of have been running the past several months, nothing actually stopped me from doing it.  Allergies and pollen levels certainly prevented me from running outside, but that’s not the same as avoiding running at all.  Regardless of the reason, the fact is that today was my first day running in.

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Twenty Minute Pizza Experiment 2015-05-25

Pizza is one of my go to meals to make when people come over.  Everyone likes it, depending on the toppings, I can accommodate a lot of different diets (especially with some of the paleo crust recipes that are out there).  I have my bread machine recipe for making pizza dough. And I’ve been told that people like my pizza.  All told, I could whip up a batch of my traditional pizza dough and have a pizza out of the oven in about an hour–that’s from nothing but flour, water, oil, and toppings to a ready to slice pizza.  A friend sent me this video, on how to make it in a frying pan in twenty minutes, so I figured why not give that a shot to cut the time by a third.  So, how did it go?

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