Goal Tracking Report Card 2016 Phase 11/12, A Big Fail... 2016-12-04

October 16, 2016 , when I got back from my honeymoon, I said I was going to be emphasizing a fitness focus by looking at using a goal accountability report card.  Really this is getting the tempo for doing these things more into 2017 and beyond.  Work and life took my eye off the ball but it didn’t stop me from actually keeping the report card.  What’s the point of an accountability exercise if you only do it when you know you are going to score well?  That’s like only going to the doctor when you are healthy.  The sobering reality is that right now I’m failing on my five goals, but I didn’t need a report card to actually tell me that.

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It's Marathon Weekend; Or Was Supposed To Be 2016-11-26 Tomorrow is the Space Coast Marathon. The Space Coast Marathon was the first, and at present only, marathon I’ve ever run; way back in 2012. About a year ago I decided to try to run it again in an attempt to run it three times and get a bonus medal. (More ...)
Non-Windows .NET is Still Second Class Citizen 2016-11-23

I am very early in the Linux .NET development experiment.  I am pretty busy with work and life so that I don’t have a ton of time to play around with these things.  Having come from a background where most of my recent development (last several years) has been technologies other than .NET I have a double hurdle to clear: getting used to .NET and getting used to doing .NET on Linux.  Therein lies the rub.

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.NET on Linux–An Experiment 2016-11-19

I may have cut my teeth on non-Microsoft systems but the better part of my career was spent building most of my software with and for Visual Studio.  It was only in the last few years that the landscape changed and my work has been dominated by Linux, Java, and generally non-Microsoft systems.  I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the explosion of open source software and the ability to contribute to and use it.  I’ve also enjoyed being able to extricate myself from Windows.  But with Microsoft’s recent foray into open source and with the increasing stagnation and calamities in the Java community I’ve decided to give the .NET stack a while again, but with a twist.

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Wix/WordPress Argument Shows Viral Nature of GPL 2016-10-31

Over on Slashdot there is an article about an IP saga of sorts between Wix and the makers of WordPress.  While the Slashdot title accuses Wix of “stealing” code, not even WordPress’s Matt Mullenweg accused him of that in the original post .  What happened is pretty simple.  The Wix engineers decided to wrap a WordPress rich text control so it would work well with React Native.  The Wix engineers made that project under an MIT license and then dutifully used it in their proprietary iOS application.  The WordPress control they wrapped was licensed under GPL, and that is where the problem is.

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MacBook Pro's, Way Improved But Meh 2016-10-28 With the release of the latest MacBook Pro’s Apple has finally returned to some semblance of modernity with their product line in the laptop regime. They have left their desktop line to languish at least for another six months though. (More ...)
Zero Waste As a Path To Voluntary Simplicity 2016-10-22 Years ago I remember reading a blog article on this family that generated almost no trash. I was picturing some very granola hippy family in a house with soft lighted wooden rooms and homemade furniture; sort of a hunting log cabin meets Swiss Family Robinson. (More ...)
Google Experiment Over Before It Begins? 2016-10-18 I’ve been prepping for potentially jumping from iPhone to Android for my personal phone. I’m getting sick of the quality of iOS and apps going down. I’m getting sick of vendor lock. (More ...)
Cranking Up Fitness Focus 2016-10-16

With a wedding and honeymoon now out of the way it’s time to get back to being serious about my fitness levels again.  Yes, I was able to not go totally off the rails over the last few months but I had a bit of a fitness deficit to work out of to begin with.  All of the excuses, legitimate or otherwise, are now gone.  No, I’m not going to do an experiment.  No, I’m not going to be targeting some specific weight loss, muscle increase, or performance goals.  I’m instead taking the tools that I’ve applied to those sorts of expeditions and applying that to a more general concept.

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Merging Five Years Of Data 2016-09-25

In the end of 2010 I started tracking all of my nutrition, daily calorie burning, and moods full time.  Years of doing it off and on during 12-week fitness challenges, weight loss periods, et cetera prepared me well for this process and made it second nature.  Now it’s coming up on the end of 2016 and I have pretty much everything I’ve eaten, my daily calorie burn estimates, and my moods tracked for several years.  The problem is that the platform I had tracked it in, FitDay, is all but defunct.  How will I resurrect that data?

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