Diaspora API Dev Progress Report 12 2018-11-02 The merging of the various side branches into the main branch is coming along. Because this isn’t being done as a primary job there is a bit of an expected delay between the pull request (PR) being generated and the branch being merged in. (More ...)
Diaspora API Dev Progress Report 11 2018-10-31 It’s been a few days since I’ve been able to put some real time into Diaspora development but I’m back today. Being back home from travel too means I can finally get past the blockers on the other branches. (More ...)
Personal Reminder: no one has a right to your time 2018-10-29

Life is actually a very short finite thing.  Each day there are only so many waking hours of which one can only pour in so much energy.  Do you decide to pour it all into useful work, spending time with family, spending time doing nothing but watching television or playing games, or whatever.  The bottom line is that we have to decide how we want to expend that in a way that will make us as contented as we can be.  We will miss the mark obviously but that doesn’t mean that one has to engage in behaviors that they know are moving opposite that direction.

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Diaspora API Dev Progress Report 10 2018-10-26

Even though it was another short day on the road it was a productive day.  The Conversations Endpoint’s Messages method got completed shortly after I typed up the previous day’s status message this morning.  I then jumped onto the Streams API.

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Diaspora API Dev Progress Report 9 2018-10-26 I’m still on the road so my contributions aren’t as great as I’d like them to be but I did manage to make some progress on the API development. At this point Conversations Endpoint minus the message listing of a conversation itself (next up). (More ...)
Diaspora API Dev Progress Report 8 2018-10-25 While I’m on the road I’ve been hoping to get some more work in on the API. Yesterday was a bust, and I knew it would be. Today looked like it was going to be a bust but I actually was able to get some time in tonight due to some plans that were cancelled last minute. (More ...)
Diaspora API Dev Progress Report 7 2018-10-22 I’m still making good albeit slow progress on the Posts Endpoint. While the Posts Endpoint doesn’t have a lot of methods the complexity of the send and the return data is far greater than the other endpoints I’ve done so far. (More ...)
Diaspora API Dev Progress Report 6 2018-10-21 Today I didn’t get as much progress as I had hoped on the API but still important work was done. Yesterday I discovered that something was probably off in the way that the repository rebasing was done when I did it about a week ago. (More ...)
Diaspora API Dev Progress Report 5 2018-10-19 Another day another progress report on the state of the Diaspora API development. I had hoped by now that I’d be picking up a little more speed but I always underestimate how minute working on high coverage unit tests are. (More ...)
Diaspora API Dev Progress Report 4 2018-10-18

Being in the early phases of getting the implementation started it was inevitable I would encounter a little extra inertia to overcome.  Part of that is my own doing, but all of it is important to have confidence in what I’m developing.  The easiest part was filling out the API Implementation Stoplight chart so everyone, including me, can track what is going on with the development.  Then it was on to a fork in the road of sorts: do I want to start an external test harness now or wait until more is implemented.  I decided for former. 

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